First Aid Training for Senior Care

First Aid Training for Senior Care

First Aid Training for Senior Care


First Aid Training for Senior Care

Senior care is a noble profession. Providing comfort and care to the elderly is a thankless and thankless job. That’s why, before you even touch a Senior care professional, you should acquire some basic first aid skills. By acquiring first aid skills, you can help yourself not only in helping others, but you can also increase your skills so that you can become a Senior Care professional yourself.


Listed below are some of the benefits that you can get by becoming a certified Senior Care professional:


– You can help others with simple tasks such as clearing the eyes and skin. With simple strokes and taps, you can help get rid of redness and some other minor problems caused by exposure to the environment.


– Be of assistance to senior cows and goats byPhotoaning them and feeding them right. This will help them produce milk and thus provide the right nutrition to their body.


– You can also practice such skills as aiding a wounded warrior. During times of peace, you can carry a weapon like an old musket on your shoulders and shoot at honest wounds.


– Besides the above mentioned skills, you can also choose to become a role model for the children in your community by counseling and helping young children overcome their fears of aging.


What is needed to become a Senior Care professional?


You should be a person of sound mind, physical health and a strong character that can function for a long period of time. First aid training programs and classes are offered by many organizations across the country. You can take the training classes either online or offline. Apart from taking the online first aid training classes, you can also enroll in local training classes conducted by medical care centers and teaching institutes. For information about first aid training classes, you can visit the website of the American Red Cross.


All you have to do is to check out with your local healthcare provider to register yourself for the training classes. Once you complete the application process, you will be contacted for taking the examination. The examination is completely online and only oral examinations are conducted to test the knowledge you have gained prior to taking the course.


Once you get the all clear from the exam, you will receive the certificate from the administering body. bear in mind that a certificate from the administering body is valid for only eight years. After eight years, you will have to take a clearance examination from the administering body to get your certificate renewed.


Now that you are clear about the things to be included in your training, you can only use first aid kit to help treat injuries and sicknesses that are suffered by others. However, be alert for medical malpractice and guidelines of the administering body.IKF classes are held for experienced first aid professionals. IHRSA classes are conducted for medical assistants and hygienists. IHRSA is the American Heart Association Health Safety and Health Services instructor. You can download training schedule from the website.